Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Planning my first real road trip

I'm going to New Orleans for Halloween, to see my fellow redhead on meds (we're an unnofficial club of about 6 fantastic redheads). I'm booking for my way down there, while I'm down there, and my way back.

I have an itinerary. Loosely. I have a travel path:
Des Moines, IA
Davenport, IA
Peoria, IL
Nashville, TN (overnight)
Birmingham, AL
New Orleans, LA
4 days in the beautiful catastrophe that is, so far, my favorite city ever, with the perfect catastrophe Erin, that is, so far, my favorite person ever.
New Orleans, LA
Jackson, MI
St. Louis, MO
Kansas City, MO
Des Moines, IA

So far, I have one shoot booked for sure. Several possible shoots and sessions in New Olreans.

I'll have my piercing gear, and my fancy new boots will arrive Monday, so they'll be broken in by the time I start my drive.

I'm really excited to be going. I hope the trip is profitable, but if nothing else, it will be lots of fun, because I get to stop and see a lot of friends on the way there, while there, and back.

I've travelled to shoot before, but it's never been a multiple city thing. Here's to my first real, on the road, long, modeling trip!

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